New! Over the phone estimates

Phone1If you have anyone of the following jobs around your home or business we can, in most cases, give you an estimate over the phone.  We are able to provide you this feature because of the many years of experience in home repair and construction trades.


CALL NOW 770-617-0668 for an over the phone estimate of the following jobs:

  • Interior/exterior door and window repairs
  • Deck or deck rail repairs
  • Crown molding
  • Exterior stair repairs (count steps and width)
  • Sudden and unexpected roof leak
  • Some rotted wood around chimney or entry doors
  • Light electrical or plumbing issue

For other jobs use our Quick Job Estimator 

Please provide the following information about your job.  We will make every effort to get back to you within 6 – 24 hours with an estimate.  Please refer to our FAQ page for additional information about our business and work process.

Uploading one or more digital pictures will greatly aid in providing an accurate estimate.

Step 1. Picture taking. Use your smartphone or tablet to take and upload pictures of your job

Step 2. Fill out the following form in the right column and upload the picture(s)

Step 3. You will be contacted over the phone to discuss any further information about your job.  Based on the job scope you might receive an estimate over the phone. There are some situations where an on-site visit will be necessary.

Short list of jobs we can help you with:

  • Structural/non-structural repair
  • Sagging floors, broken joists
  • Rotten floors in bathrooms and kitchens
  • Vinyl or wood window repairs
  • Repairs on house siding or trim
  • Skylights
  • Additions, basements, garages, fire and water damage
  • Exterior Repairs (siding, soffits, stairs, etc)
  • Light plumbing and electrical
  • Drywall work
  • Interior wall construction
  • Interior/exterior door and window repairs
  • Deck or deck rail repairs
  • Crown molding
  • Exterior stair repairs (count steps and width)
  • Sudden and unexpected roof leak
  • Some rotted wood around chimney or entry doors
  • Light electrical or plumbing issue
  • Restoration of older homes
  • Repairs of rental property

Fill out the form below describing your job.

New Job
Short description (ie, fix siding, repair door or window, replace planks on deck, etc.)
Maximum upload size: 67.11MB
Please reduce the image size. Only upload jpg, png or gif images. Thank you.
Maximum upload size: 67.11MB
Please reduce the image size. Only upload jpg, png or gif images. Thank you.
Maximum upload size: 67.11MB
Please reduce the image size. Only upload jpg, png or gif images. Thank you.

*  Please note that the job estimate can change based on additional requirements or unforeseen circumstance during the work itself.
